Sunday 7 July 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 11


We headed to the car and S3eed started to drive. Few minutes later, we reached the house. We saw Reem waiting for us impatiently and both of her hands are on her hips.

We stepped out of the car and I had this worried face when I saw her expressions. She approached to us really quickly.

WAIN KNTI?!! She almost yelled

Umm.... We Jst went shopping, I finally managed to find an answer

Shopping for HOURS?!! She asked

Well... "I ddnt knw what to say"

I took her to the beach, S3eed Interrupted

Laa wallah?!! To the beach? She had this shocked face with eyes that full of anger and she was Jst annoyed.

Yeah to the beach, she's my cousin so what's wrong with it? He Asked

9dddg Your Cousin?!! She asked nearly laughin sarcastically

Yeaah she is, He answered with an straight away and he had plz-shut-up look.

I was confused but then I ignored this awkward moment tht happened bec Reem was always like that, Her thoughts kla Yseer b3eed

We heard a sound of a car*BEEP BEEP* behind our backs so we turned. And we saw the latest range rover with a hot dude riding the car.

It was our HOT bro Man9oor!!

Man9oor: Heyy Ppppl!!! *Winks*
He approached to us with a big smile.

Me: Awaaaaih *opens mouth* Heyyyy!!! I jumped in my bros arm

Bro: Hallah Wallah b my beautiful sister *hugged me so tight*

Reem: Hii Bro*big smile*

Man9oor: Oh Heyy Reem!! *hugs*

S3eed: W Ana Yal Czn w Ya A7la Rfeeej Bl Dnia, Mashay Hugs wala saalam?
He teased my bro and smiled.

Man9oor: Haha Afaa 3aalik Bss!! Ent Bat7a9l Akbr HUG w A7laa Salam!!
He winked and opened his arms and hugged him soo tight!

Reem: Yaaaal Gaaaays!!! *in a disguised voice*

S3eed: Bsmallah 3alih, 7abeebti Matsma7 For this thing to happen
9a7? He winked to me.

Man9oor: Ambaaaaih!!! Mnoooo 7beeeeebtk?! W Ana Madrii!

Reem: Ana!! *Kept jumping*

S3eed: Haha Sorry Babe But Enti Knti My previous Gf, I have new one now w she's breathtaking.

I kept blushing.

Man9oor: Laykoooon!! Shaaaik....

S3eed Interrupted him and said:
Yep! You guessed it right, it's shaikha

Reem: Laaa *annoyed face*

Me: Chub Okay! This game is between the three of you Mb Ana!

Let me tell you abit about reem,s3eed my bro man9oor and me. When we were kids, we also liked to played the game where man9oor w S3eed choses Gf's either me or reem. Reem always liked s3eed especially from the days that we were playing this game until now and he Jst chose her to be his Gf for her electronic devices mthl iPad w chee.

S3eed: Haha Laish Ya3ni? He got closer to me and whispered:
Enti Laish Tst7een Mni?

I kept blushing since he was so close.

The only words I managed to say was: Im not shy Mnk! Okay!

W Ane el IDIOT! I kept blushing

S3eed: *Laughs* Reaally? W Laish el red Cheeks? *Smirks*

Me: Umm.. I I I .. Have to go

I just ran away from him and entered el house.
That's the only thing that I kept saying.

S3eed's point of view

Man9oor: Allah Yl3ank Ya S3eed, Sho Sawait L Shaikha, Seeda Shrdat

Me(S3eed): Hh Masawit Shay, Knt Yals Atma95ar

Reem + Mansour: 9dddg?!

Me: *Laughs* Haih Wallah Enkom Chlaaaab

Reem: Umm Mta Batgoolha?

Man9oor: Eeh 9aa7 Mta Batgoolha

Me:  Sho Agoooolha B3d??

Man9oor: Enk T7bha

Reem: U mean Maayt Feeha *giggles*

Me: Haha Ento 9dy 5baayl

Man9oor+Reem: Enta T5balt B7ubha *they winked and entered the house*

I sat on the bench outside the house. And I texted her (Shaikha) In BBM

Text to Shai5a:
Sorry Eni A7rajtch with the game

It's ok ; ) A9lan Maknt shy

Haha Dnt Lie to yourself

I am not lying bec A9lan Laish I will be shy Mnk

Haha Wallah Madri :P Bs I saw el red cheeks

Mn el bard :)

Haha Yeah Right 3adi if u do me a small favor, please :D

Sure, what is it?

Look out of the window

Why? :O

U will knw why when u will do it

Reply: okay then

Shaikha's side:

I entered the room while I was blushing bec of what S3eed said earlier and I entered my room then S3eed apologized about what happened and asked me to look out of the window in BBM.

I started to walk to the window while I was having these butterflies wondering around in my stomach and I was so shy!

I looked out of the window, I saw S3eed standing with a big paper written:
Please Stop Blushing! :P And Ik tht u r already shy :$

I started to blush when he said that. Because he was right.

I started to giggle when S3eed waved goodbye and stepped inside his car and drove away.

My phone started to vibrate and there was a notification which meant that there was a message and it was from him.

Text from him:
Haha Ik that I was right baabe :P

Reply from me:
Stop calling me babe, U IDIOT!

Haha Enshallah Ya B3d 3mri

S3eed!! Please Maba El Naas Yfhmoon '3ala6

Afaa!! Yfhmoon '3ala6 w Laish? Enti 7abeeebti

Haha In your dreams IDIOT!

3aaib 3alaich! Yallah Gn Sweetie :*

Uff 9dg Maynooon!! Good Night :P

In the morning:

I woke up @8:00 and got out of my bed and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and then took a long shower using hot water. I got out of the bathroom and dried my hair for few mintues. I decided to wear a beautiful pink top and the back of it, it's written: A7BICH!!  And a heart at the end. It was a gift from my BFF Haya when I first came bak here.

I also decided to wear a normal dark blue jeans and I applied eyeliner several times to make it thick bec It will be HOT! I decided on a red lipstick that I LOVED THE MOST! And some of the Mac mascara and blusher. Then I headed downstairs.

It was really quiet down there. Mum and dad wasn't at home bec they went for a small vacation for both of them "Awnh Honeymoon" 3anaboo el wa7d, km Mara Yseer honeymoon I thought once but I was wrong.

And Man9oor was still sleeping since he came from his long flight yesterday. And reem was still slpin as usual. So I was left alone. It was still early for the maid to wake up so I thought of makin my own breakfast.
But from restaurant since I'm such a loser in coooking!!

I searched for the phone and called "Good morning...." I ordered 2 French toast, 2 orange juice and 2 mango, 5 croissant cheese and mixed types of doughnuts.

I was really bored watching TV and changing channels so I decided to act a bit crazy until the breakfast is ready. I turned the music on and I put my hair in a messy bun since it was a bit wet.
The song "beauty and the beat" by JB and Nicki Minaj. I LOVE IT !! So I couldn't hold myself and I started to dance in just a crazy way that I just couldn't stop so then I held the remote mal TV w Bdaait I hold it Awnh it's a microphone.


I woke up at 7.30 with a big smile on my face. yaraait if I can knw the reason why I had a smile first thing in the morning. I got out of the bed and entered the bathroom for a hot shower. I had a towel on my waist and left the bathroom and reached the dryer to dry my hair that was wet.

Few mintues later, I kept startin at my closet to figure what ill wear since I'm heading to Man9oor's my Czn house for breakfast then we will hang out ya3ni 3nd bait Shai5a :P
I decided to wear a red polo shirt and a blue jeans. And I put it on a Ferrari cap and Rayban glasses on and I used the most masculine perfume and headed out.

I got out of the house and the smiled was still on my face. I got inside he car and turned on the engine and started to drive. While I was on my way, I decided to turn on the radio and put rashid el Majid songs.

Few minutes later,
I finally reached their house so then I parked my car in the garage and I got out of the car. I walked towards the door then since I heard noises coming from inside. Loud noises such as screaming w dancing.

I wonder what's going on inside this house? Why is the music soo loud?

I decided to knock the door to figure out what's happening so I knocked.

*KNOCK KNOCK* .... Once

* I clicked on the bell* Ding Dong!! Once...

*KNOCK KNOCK*... Twice

*Ding Dong!!.... Twice

Nobody was answering me bec of the loud music inside there. I have to find a way to let me in and check what's happening.

What should I do?....

To be continued in part 12
Love you all <3

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