Monday 1 July 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 9


Then I heard a sound coming from my phone, it was a message from him.
Don’t keep standing there with that face, Yallah Go inside his room because he is waiting.
Enshallah S3eed  =)

I was still staring into space and I was asking myself "What just happened?"

Few mintues passed then I decided to enter Zayed's room. I entered the room with a worried face because i kept thinkin in a negative way about how did Zayed look like.

5alo Sara (Zayed's mum): *whispering* Hallah Wallah B Shai5a

Me: Ahlain 5alo Sara

Sara: Why are you so late? Zayed was waiting for you but then he slept

Me: Oh Sorry Kan fe traffics on the way so it was crowed.

I hated lying to anyone especially her because she was like my second mother bec she always take care of me when my mum is away

5alo Sara: Ahha . Laish U r standing by the door? Yallah D5li w have a seat

Me: La 5alty, Maba Az3j Zayed while hes sleeping

5alo Sara: Ay iz3aj? Mn el 9b7 w zayed is waiting for you, Yallah 3ad D5lii

I stepped inside the room and the scene that I saw was terrible. I saw someone laying on the bed with a weak and pale face. He had wires connected all around his body. He looked really weak and I didnt believe that it was my cousin Zayed. Zayed that was always hyper and he always have a smile on his face even when hes sad, but now he is laying in the bed and people are jst wishing him to get better without doing any kind of operations.

I just stood there with a shocked face for mintues but then my aunt distracted my thoughts by saying:
Shai5a, Dont worry Enshallah my son Zayed will get better bsr3a and then U will have the chance to play with each other like before. And she smiled

Me: Enshallah 5alty, Allah Ysma3 Mnch

When Zayed heard my voice, he started to open his eyes and he started to move.

5alty Sara: Zayed? Are you awake?

Zayed: Umy.... *it sounded like he was whispering*

She jumped from her seat and ran towards Zayed.

5alty Sara: 7abeeebi Zayeed!! Ent B5air?

Zayed: Haih Umyy.... Ana Ana ... Ana B5air... *in a very weak and low voice*

5alty Sara: 7abeebi Zayed, Shoof Mno 3ndna Here

She stepped backwards and pointed at me.

5alty Sara: Shai5a Bnty, Come and step forward 3shan Zayed yshoofch

I did as I was told. I didnt want to cry infront of Zayed because Yfa'97 el shay.

Zayed: Shaaai5.... *coughs*

Me: Shhshh Zayed, U dnt need to talk just rest *started to cry*

Zayed: Sha...i5a...La...Tab..che.een *tried to smile to cheer me up*

5alty Sara: Shai5a Bnty, I told you tra Zayed is fine so no need to cry

Me: Adri 5alty, I cnt believe tht S3eed did that

5alty Sara: Akeed he has his reasons

Zayed: 3aa..dy.. Ma...stwa...Shay...

Me: He didnt even come and apologize to you *upset*

5alty Sara: He may come later when we are nt here

Me: I hope so.. *fake smile*

Zayed: Umy..

5alty Sara: Lbaaih?

Zayed: 3aad..iii.. Ya..3nii..Law..Sama...7tii....Abaa.. Aka...alm...Shaaa..ii5a...Br...oou...7aa

5alty Sara: Akeed 7abeebi, 5thoo Ra7tkm

5alty Sara said that and she left the room. So here we are alone

Me: Zayed, Shu el salfa?

Zayed: Shaaii..5aa Laa..Tkaal..mee...S3..eed...3n..eli..astwa

Me: Bs Ya Zayeeed...."before I can even continue my sentence, he interuppted me and said:

Shh...shh, As...m3a S..hay, Ma...stwa S...hay w Ake...ed S3...eed Ma...kan 8a....9d eli saw...ah

Me: Laa Zayed, Sorry But I cant ignore what happened, Just forget about it and yallah u have to rest

I said those words and left the room.

5alty Sara: Shu Astwa?

Me: Wala shay, Zayeed wanted to slp so I decided to leave.

5alty Sara: Aha Okay, Yallah its too late now. Thanks for coming

Me: Enshallah w No problem Anytime. Then I hugged my aunt and left the hospital.

I called our driver Raju but he didnt answer.

I called twice but still no answer.

I felt that someone is staring at me so then i turned around.
At the mintue I turned around, I heard
It was the sound of a car. Then someone opened the window and shouted:
Shai5a, T3aali w Rkbi el car

I didnt move from my place. I asked myself who is that person? Is he a theif? And what does he want from me?
I hesitated for mintues about going to him or not then suddenly I felt someone's hands on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw S3eed.

S3eed: Shai5a Balach? U look as if u saw a ghost

Me: ........ *Silence*

S3eed: Shai5a? *He started to get closer to me* And he kept pinching me so tht he can distract my thoughts

Me: DONT TOUCH ME!! *I screamed and stepped backwards*

S3eed: Balach Mad at me? U cant be mad if u know nothing *He looked away*


S3eed: Enti Trach Wayed 7ashra! *He put his hands on his ears*

I started to move away from him but suddenly he pulled me and took my feet from the ground so I was on his arms.

Me: PUT ME DOWN ON THE GROUND!! *I screamed*

S3eed: Shhshh, Are u mad bec i didnt apologize 2 zayed? *he whispered*

Me: ........ *Silence*

S3eed: Yallah Tell me or i wont leave you

Me: Yeah, I didnt know tht u r that mean Wallah Im disappointed *I looked down on the floor*

S3eed: 6al3eeni

Me: Maba

S3eed: Shai5a, D5eelch 6al3eeni

I looked up at him. We kept staring at each other for mintues. Suddenly I turned red.

S3eed: Laish el red cheeks?

Me: Because Its cold here

S3eed: *Laughs* Haha Yeah right

Me: Yallah Put me down because we look like couples :P

S3eed: Haha Bs I want to explain something. Im not mean shai5a, it just tht I wasnt in a good mood and I didnt mean to hit zayed but unfortuneately i did.

Me: Oh Okay, Al7een Can you put me down Czn?

S3eed: Czn?!

Me: Haih Czn, Tra U r my cousin

S3eed: Whats my real name?

Me: Umm S3eed

S3eed: Laa Mb S3eed

Me: 3yal?

S3eed: Enti T3arfeen

Me: La Ma3arf

Then he pinched my cheeks for minutes and it was really painful.

Me: Owwwww S3daaaanh!!

S3eed: S3daaanh? : O

Me: Haih

Then he pinched my cheeks even harder.

Me: Ok Ok 5ala9 Sorry, Wallah Asifa

S3eed: Whats my name?

Me: Sa3oooodi !!!!!!!

S3eed: Allaaaaaaah :D Saaay it again !!

Me: *Blushes* 5alaa9 S3eed !!!

S3eed: La Mashay 5ala9 Say it Again

Me: Mabaaa :P

He pinched my cheeks with his mouth this time.

Me: A333 S3eeed!!!

S3eed: Ana Mb S3eeed!!

Me: 3yal?

S3eed: Enti T3arfeen?

Me: La Ma3arf

S3eed: Okay then

He took me while I was in his arms and he walked towards el big trash bin outside the hospital.

Me: Waaaaa33 S3eeed, It smeeells reaaally baaad!!!

S3eed: Say my name or ill throw you there

Me: *Laughs* Akeeeed you are just kiddding!!!

S3eed: U think so? Then he stepped the last step and reached the edge of the bin and he was gonna release his arms from my body so tht i will be thrown to the bin.

Me: Laaaaa Sa3ooooodi!!! *I screamed from fear*

S3eed: Owww GALBI!!!! *He put me down and then he had his hands on his heart*

Me: Bsmallah 3ala Galbik *Blushes*

S3eed: Laish T5afaayn 3aly?

Me: Of course La, I dont care about you. She teased him

S3eed: Really?

Me: Akeed Haih and I really mean it.

I walked away from him slowly but then he ran after me and held my arms. "Just to stop me"

To be continued in part 10
Love you All <3

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