Saturday 15 June 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 1

OMG I can't believe it!!! I'm finally bak home!! Bak to the city that I left for few years to Study outside the UAE, the country that I was born in and I had the best memories here with the best people ever!! Few Hours until I reach Dubai, the lovely city.

Hours has passed.
Minutes are left.
"Tick tock" "tick tock" that's the only sound  that was wondering in my ears because of the excitement of meeting my lovely parents and every member of the family that helped to reach here, where I am now which is finishing high school with feeling success deep inside my heart,

Few minutes, then I heard the announcement that is saying that we are in Dubai and that we can stand up beside our seats and leave the plane.

I just stepped out of the plane so I headed as quickly as possible to get my bag and just reach home as soon as possible so I can jump at my parents that I haven't seen in few years. I MISSED THEM SOO MUCH!! I just want to jump and hug them so tightly and just turn back time when I was their only and only daughter that they loved the most.

10 mins passed...
Then 5 more mins passed..
And I can hardly hold my excitement about going bak home. So then I just decided to put some songs so that time can pass really quickly. I got out my iPhone from my pink bag and I started to scroll down just staring at the names of the songs and finally I decided on a song which was "Skyfall by Adele". While I was listening to the song, I suddenly remembered my best friend Haya that always tried her best to make me happy with no tears, not even a drop.
After few seconds, while I was still listening then suddenly I felt tears falling from my eyes and it was happy drops not sad ones. I was really happy to have such a great friend like her and I really miss her plus I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HER!!

The car suddenly stopped.
I jumped with horror because I thought that we ran out of fuel
Then I realized that we stopped because WE FINALLY REACHED HOME!!
I got out of the car with a smile on my face :)
"Finally here I am, standing outside my house" I whispered to myself with excitement
I started to follow the path that was heading to our house then suddenly I heard some screaming coming from the house. Then suddenly someone opened the door and ran towards me.
OMG it was HAYA!!!!

"HAYA!!!!!" I ran towards her with a really BIG SMILE this time!!

"SHAI5OO!!!!" She ran to me with difficulties because she was wearing high heels.

"7beeebty Shway Shway Wala Al7een U will fall!" I said to her while most of time I was laughing so hard and my words wasn't clear so I don't think heard him :P

"Haa?! Enti Sho Yalsa Itgooleen?" She said when she stopped running and started to walk towards me.

"Haha Mashay, Yallah Bsr3a Give me a hug or ill kill you in a second!!" I said with a high and threat voice.

"Haha TBAIN BS ONE HUG? 7beeebty that's not enough, million of hugs won't also be enough to show you how much I MISS YOU GIIIRL!!" She said while she had mixed emotions on her.

I jumped to her and hugged her SOOOOOOO TIGHT!!!! And I was nearly gonna suffocate her but then mum came running to me.

To be continued in Part 2.
Love you All <3

1 comment:

  1. Reaaly nice start xD very exciting :p cant wait for the next part.. Luv u 2❤
