Tuesday 18 June 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 6


What just happened? Who did that? And why? "these questions were wondering in my head" I turned around so I could face the person and discover who was he.

I turned my face...
I stared to open my mouth :O...
I was shocked by the person....

Minutes passed...But I still had the suprirsed face on me.
Shit! "Thats the only word that I kept repeating after I saw "HIM"
Me: OMG ZAAYED!! *running towards him while he was layin in the ground* BLEEDING!
Zayed: *Laughs* "Awnh hes okay" its okay, its okay. That was the only thing tht he kept saying.
Me: LA ZAYED! NOTHING IS OKAY! I screamed really loud while looking at "him" with sharp eyes full with anger.
Zayed: Shai5a, D5eelch La Tkabreen el salfa. Mastwa Shay *fake smile with blood around his lips*
Me: Sorry but He needs to explain and RIGHT NOW! *walks away towards "him*

I pulled his arm and walked in the living room heading to my room so he can explains what jst happened.
We just passed the living room and I was walkin really fast with a face that even turned red mn il anger.

Everyone: BSMALLAH!! BALAKM?!!
Then "him" just smiled to them =)
And then Zayed Entered the living room with a weak voice, he said:
El Salam 3alikm w Ra7mto Allah Wbarakt'h and he faked a smile.
Everyone turned their faces to where the sound was coming from and they saw someone who cant walk properly, who had been hitten in his face and parts of his body. His nose was bleeding really hard that it even reached to his lips.
Everyone: SHU HATHA?!!! 5AAAIBAH!!! SHU ESTWA?! w MNO CHEE SAWA?!! . They just kept asking a question after the other but Zayed didnt answer any of them. He just walked to the couch and sat down quietly without saying a single word.

In My Room:
I pulled S3eed really hard and entered the room.
And then I released my hands from his arms and stared at him with my eyes that looked like they were in fire and my brain that was gonna explode from the questions that kept wonderin my head and cant find any reliable answers for them that can convince me that he had the right to hit Zayed.

Me: Yallah S3EED!! Im waiting for an explanation about what happened just now. And I hope that it can calm me down even if just a little !!

S3eed: *Grins* Laish A9lan what happened exactly?
S3eed: 3ashan He got on my nerves and I felt like hitting him so I just did,
S3eed: *fake cough* Cleared his throat and said: Well... He did lots of things that made me mad
Me: Like?
 *Awkward Silence*
S3eed: Like Nothing. Then He just walked to the door but I grapped his arms and said:
Me: I cant let you go that easily because U hurted Zayed and hes not like anyone else, hes special
S3eed: A3RF!!! He shouted at ME
S3eed: 3ashan Zayed is the only thing that you kept thinking about in this situation. Kla Zayed w Kl youm I hear the name "Zayed" Coming from you every single minute, 5ALA9 LA3AT CHABDI !!

I just stood there confused with a "?" in my head about everything he said. I thought to myself, "What
does he mean by all that?"

He stared at me with a disappointed face because I didnt have an idea about what he meant. And i didnt pay any attention about what he was trying to say. So he just walked away and closed the door after him.

I started to feel some kind of guilt inside my heart, I didnt know why so I just decided to leave the room.
I left the room and walked to the living room.

The corridor was full with quietness and the living room was really empty. I thought to myself *Wheres everyone? It looks like someone died or somethin like that" I started to worry so I decided to check outside the house, maybe they were trying to get fresh air by sitting outside in a circle.

I got outside the house, but nobody was there.
Then I looked at the right side, it was empty.
Then I looked at the left side, it wasnt empty. S3eed was still standing there and he was deep in his thoughts so I didnt want to disturb him since he was also mad at me.

My phone started to ring. I looked at the screen, it was mum.
I answered the call and said:
Me: Aloo, Hallah Umy
Mum: Ummm Ahlain...
Me: Mum whats wrong, wheres everyone?
Mum: Ummm we are at the hospital
Me: WHAT?!!! I screamed REALLY LOUD!

By me screaming really loud, I got S3eed's attention. He was a staring at me with a confused face and why did I just screamed that loud?

Mum: Umm Lsn to me Shai5a.....
Mum: Ummm.. wallah 3ashan Zayed
Me: WHAAAAT? ZAAAYED?! I felt like crying but I held them inside me.
Mum: Haih Zayed, When you went upstairs with S3eed, he came to us and suddenly fell to the ground.
Mum: Wallah we still didnt anything from the doctors
Me: OKAY THEN IM COMING RIGHT NOW!!! I closed the phone and decided to put in my bag, ready to go to the hospital.

I ran towards S3eed.
Me: S3eed?
S3eed: Enti Yal Maynoona Balach?! Laish u screamed w shu hospital?
Me: *sniffs* Zayeeed fe il hospital!! My tears started to fall from my eyes, I just couldnt hold them anymore. Dont blame me because it was really hard for me to held because S3eed was there but I just gave up.
S3eed: Zayed? Ohh...Okay
Me: D5eeeelk S3eed, Take me to the hospital! I started to unbalance my feets and I just feel on my knees, crying!.
S3eed: SHAI5A! Yallah Yallah Stand up! I cant see you like this, Yallah wipe your tears or U will make me cry after you.

He also fell to his knees so that our height could nearly be the same and our faces are facing each other. We stared at each other for a while. He really focused on my eyes that were full of tears, he just couldnt handle this moment that moved his feelings and made him feel guilty about hitting zayed.

We exchanged looks.
Then I looked down, still crying.
He held my chin and lifted it up so I could face him.
S3eed: Shai5a, D5eelch Ya 3mri Enti, La Tsaween Feeni Chee.
Me: Soorry but what if something happened to him? Hes my fav cousin.
S3eed: Enshallah nothing will happen *smiles*

Then suddenly I saw him putting his hands in his pockets to get something, it was tissue.
He took it and wiped my tears but they just couldnt stop from falling. So he threw the tissue away and used his fingers. He tried again to wipe my tears with his fingers, but unfortunately it couldnt stop.

Me: *sniffs* It just cant stop, the tears are just increasing every time u wipe them away.
S3eed: Umm.. *thinks* I have an idea!!
Me: What is it? I asked
S3eed: Wait and see
Me: Ummm Oka... "before I can even complete the word "okay". He came closer to me.
And then he leaned it with a smile. :)

Me: Umm.. *coughs* S3eed what r u doing?
S3eed: Mafeeech 9abr! I said wait and see
Me: Umm well bs...
S3eed: Shhshh "just then he put his finger on my lips" just to make me quiet..
I gulped.
Then he zoomed into my eyes and kissed the last drop that fell from my eyes.
I couldnt move. I just closed my eyes and opened it again to check if it was a dream.
I was shocked. And really speechless. I just didnt know what to do.

He leaned back and wanted to know my reaction.
I just froze for few minutes and he kept staring at me that made much weaker than I was.

S3eed: *Laughs* Haha Mashallah el drops suddenly stopped. So how was it?
Me: *blushes* it was A333 mthl your face, Yal 7mar
S3eed: Haha Mshklah who are trying their best to change el fact that it stopped u from crying.
Me: Laa It didnt !!
S3eed: It did and u know that
Me: Umm yeah, Just dont tell anyone and lets forget about it
S3eed: Well I wont tell anyone, he said clearly but then he started to fade away when he said "but i wont forget it" So I asked him:
What did you say?
S3eed: Ha? La Nothing, I was talking to myself *winks*
Me: Ahha, "He was lieing, he said something but what is it" I thought to myself
S3eed: Yallah Lets go to the hospital
Me: Ohh Haih 9a7, lets go *smiles*

He got out the keys from his pockers, we started to walked in the road, walkin towards his car.
We got in the car and he started to drive.
*Silence* then he broke the silence by clearin his throat.
I looked at him for a while, waiting for him to say something then I asked:
S3eed, Do you want to say anything?
S3eed: Not really, What about you?
Me: No I dont have anything to say but I felt u want to say something but then u changed ur mind.
S3eed: Well Yeah... I really want to ask you something
Me: Sure, Go Ahead
S3eed: But please be honest and dnt get mad
Me: Umm Enshallah *smiles* but worried.

*Awkward Silence*
I thought to myself "Did he forget that he was gonna ask me something?" or Balah chee quiet?
Me: S3eed, Yallah Im waiting...
He looked at me with a tense look.
S3eed: Umm Shai5a...
Me: Yees?
S3eed: Enti T7been Zayed? Goole el 9gh. Then he looked down at his feet which were shaking and closed his eyes from embarrasment.

To be continued xD Part 7 is coming soon, I promise ;)
Love you All <3

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