Sunday 16 June 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 3

Previously: Then the silence started to fill the room and my heart started to beat really FAST! ......................................................... No answer. Me: Mnu Enta or Enti? I repeated my Question ……: *In a deep voice* Ana 7araaamii!! xD Me: "Surprised face :O" what?! 7araaami?! I hesitated before sayin a word ……: Haih 7araami and I caame heeere especially to run away with you Me: Whaaat?! I screamed then I started to breathe really quickly as if someone was following me and I'm runnin away. ……: *BOOO!!* Tht person screamed in my ears Me: Ahhh!! I started to jump while my eyes were still covered by tht person's hands ……: *Laughing* By accident, that person released her/his hands So then I took the chance and turned around so that I can figure out who he or she was. Me: OMG! S3eeed!! S3eed: Haha Hallah? Me: Wallah Tra I will kill you in a sec so you better shut up!! S3eed: U want me to shut up? Sure? Me: Yeah Jusst... The sound which was *meow meow* interrupted me. Me: OMG!! Am I dreaming?!! Or I just heard the voice of a kitten?! S3eed: so how's the surprise? Good enough to make u happy? *winks*;) Me: OMG S3eeed!! Thank you!! <3 S3eed: Haha Your welcome! The kitten came out of it's hidden place and started to walk towards us. Me: OMG How CUTE!! 7ayaati!! <3 S3eed: *Grins* Yallah Go and hold her Me: her? She's a female?:O S3eed: Haha Yeah :D I started to walk closer to "Her" and started to hestitiate about touching her or not. S3eed noticed me that I wasn't brave enough to touch her, I had a bit of the feeling "scared" in me, especially Infront of animals. So he came closer to me and just staring at me for few seconds. Then suddenly, he held my hands really tight and just took my hands to touch the kitten really soft. I could even listen while he was breathing and he was close enough that I can even smell the perfume that he used. Now,the feeling "scared" just disappeared in these few second and I just had the feeling "safe and confidences *Awkward Silence* *Meow,Meow,Meow* the kitten kept making a bit of noise then suddenly.. Suddenly, she bit me in my fingers and I stepped backwards really quick without any warning. Me: Ouuc..! I screamed of pain then suddenly started to lose balance. We were about to fall a really hard one because we were sitting in the bed and then jump bump the table. Then he suddenly held my waist and here we go, *Taaa5* We fell to the ground from the bed, less than how hard we expected. Me: Owww!! S3eed: "*Jumps* Heey! Are you okay? Anythin happened? Are you fine? any pain? Me: Wait wait.. 1 question then the other. first I'm okay, nothin happened, yeah I'm fine and yeah theres pain in my BUTT!! S3eed:*laughs* Yal 7mara, I thought inch Mb b5aair!! Me: Haha La El7mdullah I'm fine *thumbs up* S3eed: Everything happened because of me, it's all my fault. Me: No! Don't say that! Bl3aks U really made me happy *Big smile* thanks alot for the kitten! S3eed: Haha Nn Anytime, Anything 3shanch Ana w S3eed are really close to each other especially when we were kids, he was like my big brother that was always by my side and he would fight with others just to make me smile. He is really a brother to me until now he is and will always be ;) Me: *Looks at time* oh Shit! I have to go downstairs now or everyone will start asking about me I started to walk towards the door and I had my hands on the knob but then less than a mintue, I felt his hands that were on my shoulders. I looked back, I saw the sad part of s3eed's life and he also had the serious face and that time. I was really surprised because I never saw him like that before. He looked a bit puzzled. Me: S3eed, Shu BALAK?! S3eed: *Sigh* Me: S3eed!! BALAK!! *Awkward silence again* To be continued, Read the next post "Part 4" Love you All <3

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