Monday 17 June 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 4

Previously: He looked a bit puzzled.
Me: S3eed, Shu BALAK?!
 Me: S3eed!! BALAK!!
*Awkward silence again*
 He ignored my Question and just walked away.He was walking towards the sofa and then he settled himself down.
 I thought to myself *Is he serious? Why does he look like tht, Ya3ni puzzled w tensed.Or is he acting it out just to get my attention and just to check if I care and about him?

S3eed: Shai5a, Law Sama7ti Come and sit beside me.
Me: Enshallah. I walked towards him and sat beside him.
*SILENCE* Then I heard him clearing his throat and takin a long breath before he starts to say anything. S3eed: Umm.. Shai5a Aba Aklmch 3n something...
Me: Sure, Go Ahead *smiles*
Then suddenly he held my hands really tight, it was really tight that I can even feel my bones.
S3eed: Shai5a.. Lsn , You should take what im saying seriously.
Me: Ok Ok Yallah Bsr3a Gool the thing tht u want
S3eed: Ana A7bich Mowt....
*The silence began to start*
Me: *Laughs hard* Akeed Y3ni T7beeni, Mno Fe il 3alam May7b W7dah Mthli?
S3eed: *Disappointed about her reaction* Well Yeah But... I mean I really love you
Me: *Laughs twice as hard as the first was* Balak S3eed? Dnt start to be soo dramatic, 5ala9 Stop acting out or now ill kill you "I tried to sound funny"
S3eed: *SIGH* He thought to himself, "Whats wrong with her?" "What should i do now"
*Silence* Then he started to laugh sooo hard and starts to cut off the silence
S3eed: HAHA HAHA!! Akeeeed i was acting out!! *Laughs again* It sounded like a fake one.
Me: Haha 9dg Maynooon! :P
S3eed: Haha Sho Raych with the drama? Coool 9a7? *winks*
Me: Haha Yeah, I was so worried when you looked puzzled w A5ar Shay, the thing was ur drama about that silly thing xD !!
S3eed: Haha Yeah....*fake smile :)* Ohhh 9a7!!
Me: Ohh 9a7, Yallah Bsr3a Give me a welcome hug Ya Sa3ooood!!
..............We Hugged each other and S3eed squeezed me in his arms really TIGHT! And then he started to spins around while I was still in his arms. Ma3arf Laish, It felt soo goood and i was happy about it.

Saeed was thinking to himself while hugging me "Wallah A7bich Even though u cant accept it, its love from just one side which was hopeless Bs Ana Amoowt Feech and nothin can change that.

Me: *fake cough* Oww S3eed.. Enta Yals T3awrni
He didnt realize that I wanted him to leave me now and we were done with hugs. He just kept squeezing me in his arms.
Me: *pinches him* Bss 5ala9, I want to go so leave me now
S3eed: Owh Sorry, I wasnt pay any attention to what u were saying
Me: Haha Its okay, Dont feel guilty *winks*
He smiled. *fake one*
I just cant take it so I started to walk towards him and hugged him again.
Then He gave me a real smile :D and said:
"Thats what i was just waiting for" *winks*
Me: *Laughs* Haha Yallah Put the kitten fe il cage w T3al Downstairs
S3eed: Enshallah Grandma :)
Me: Ayyy 7aram 3alik!! *throws pillow at himm* Yallah Apologize
S3eed: Haha Enshallah, Im really sorry 7beebty
Me: Ayy! *Blushes* Ana Mb 7beebtk
S3eed: Haha Okay Ya 3mri Enti
Me: Ayy!! *Turns red as a tomato* Bss 3ad :$
S3eed: Haha Mshklh Eli Yst7ooon *winks*
Me: Chub Okay! Yallah See you downstairs

We exchanged looks then I left.

To be continued in part 5
Love you All <3

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