Monday 17 June 2013

El 7ub A3maa :$ Part 5


S3eed:  Haha Okay Ya 3mri Enti
Me:  Ayyy!! *turns red as a tomato* Bss 3ad :$
S3eed:  Haha Mshklh Eli Yst7oon *winks*
Me: Chub Okay! Yallah See you downstairs

Now I just left the room and headed to the lift.
*Entered Lift* 
Few seconds passed then my phone started to ring.
I looked at who's calling and it was written "Zayed" who is also my cousin.
I thought to myself *Should I answer straight away or wait shwai?
I decided to wait. Finally I answered..

Zayed: Aloooo!!
Me: Oh Hallah Zayed...
Zayed: Ahlain :) Sh7aalk?
Me: El7mdullah B5air w u?
Zayed: Damch B5air, Ana Great!
Me: *Laughs*

The door started to open..
Zayed: Ohh 9aa7!! Welcome Bak
Me: Haha Thanks :)
Zayed: Np, Enti fe baitkm?
Me: Yeah, Im sitting now with el family 
Zayed: Ahha Then Have Fun Sweetie!
Me: Umm Oh Thanks!!! *tried to sound excited* But "sweetie?"
Zayed: Then Talk to you later!
Then we just ended our conversation and closed the call

Few minutes later...
I entered the living room and I found everyone there so I just joined them
 We started to talk everyone in the room and about their personal life. So then it was my turn and they had to ask him and I just need to answer.

L6eefa(My Czn): Shai5a, How did u felt when u finished college Bara3?
Me: Haha I felt really happy and proud of myself, because you would think for a second that high school was just like game but in college u should be serious and you need to work really hard. Next :p
5alo Fa6ma: Have you ever cheated in your final exams?
Me: Haha No and ill never will.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere S3eed entered the living room and asked:
Have you ever fell in Lv with someone? And Do you believe love from first sight?
Everyone laughed.
Me: *Blushes* Haha No I didn't and No I don't believe in that and ill nvr will *smiles*
S3eed: *Surprised* Why not? 
Me: Haha Bss Chi Kaif w M5ii!! Pointed at her head*
Everyone started to laugh then we heard the sound of the doorbell so I ran to open the door and guess who was at the door?
OMG it was ZAYED!!!

Me: Ahhhh!! I screamed 
Everyone: Shai5a Balach?
Me: *Laughs* Nothing! 
Zayed: Haha Hallah
Me: Ahlain =)
Zayed: Laish you just screamed? xD
Me: Haha Inta T3arf Laish
Zayed: I do? La I don't
Me: Haha Stop acting Sooo Baaard!
Zayed: I am acting so bard? Laish how do you want me to act? I asked curiously.
Me: Umm... Ma3rf *speechless*

He entered the house and started to get closer...
Then He started to lift his arms and put them around me.. He started to smell my scent which was the perfume that he liked the most.

Zayed: Al7een I'm still bard? *smiles* Still hugging me 
Me: Umm Umm La A9lan U didn't have to do that to prove to me...
Zayed: The prob is that I really wanted to do it So I 
just did it 
Me: *Blushes* Haha Can you let me go now?
Zayed: *Grins* No I won't 
Me: Mb 3ala Kaifik! Yallah Bar3a
Zayed: Balach? Laish Mad?
Me: Dont change the sub, just let me go

No answer..
Then suddenly, somebody came and pulled Zayed from me while he was still hugging me and he pulled him from his shirt and just threw him on the ground but luckily it didnt work because Zayed Managed to balance.

What just happened? Who did that? And why? "these questions were wondering in my head" I turned around so I could face the person and discover who was he.

I turned my face...
I stared to open my mouth :O...
I was shocked by the person....

To be continued in part 6
Love you guys <3

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